APD 회원 여러분, 반갑습니다.
"APD NARA 2021" 온라인 개최를 축하드립니다.
어려운 코로나 국제정세에도 APD 행사를 주최하는 JPDA 회장님과 회원 여러분께 박수와 응원을 보내며, JPDA 60주년을 다시한번 축하드립니다.
그간 한국패키지디자인협회(KPDA) 회장을 역임하면서 APD 교류의 중심역할과 활동에 대한 자부심은 저에게 큰 감동이었으며, 금번 공로상을 수상하게 됨을 영광과 기쁨으로 감사드립니다.
APD 각국의 다양한 디자인과 온라인 컨퍼런스의 융합으로 디지털 문화시대의 새로운 패러다임의 디자인 트렌드를 기대하면서 인사를 마치겠습니다.
APD Outstanding Contribution Awards
At APD TAIPEI 2017, TPDA former chairman Owen brought forth a suggestion to show our appreciation and gratitude to the people who have greatly contributed to APD. This led to the birth of APD Outstanding Contribution Awards.
Established in 1993, APD has not only weaved opportunities for participating organizations to improve and evolve their package design, but has also created countless intercultural exchanges across countries. We would thus like to express our sense of gratitude to our respected APD predecessors with the APD Outstanding Contribution Awards at APD Nara 2020.
APD will award one APD Contribution Award winner from each participating organization at APD NARA.
Established in 1993, APD has not only weaved opportunities for participating organizations to improve and evolve their package design, but has also created countless intercultural exchanges across countries. We would thus like to express our sense of gratitude to our respected APD predecessors with the APD Outstanding Contribution Awards at APD Nara 2020.
APD will award one APD Contribution Award winner from each participating organization at APD NARA.
Japan Package Design Association

Mr. Fumi Sasada
Born in Tokushima, Japan
Moved to Los Angeles
Graduated from California State University Los Angeles
Graduated from Art Center College of Design
Join Landor Associates San Francisco H.Q. as a designer
Join Landor Associates San Francisco H.Q. as a designer
Transfer to Landor Associates Tokyo as a Creative Director
Japan Rep. and VP of Landor Associates Tokyo
Established Bravis International Limited
Board member of JPDA as an International affairs
President of JPDA
Representative of D8 (Japan Design Association)
Member of 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Emblem Selection Commitee
Chairman of ASPaC Association
Korea Package Design Association

Ms. Lee, Sook Ja
리그래픽스 대표(LEE Graphics)
(사)한국패키지디자인협회 상임고문
(사)한국패키지디자인협회 상임고문
LEE Graphics CEO
KPDA Executive Advisor
KPDA Executive Advisor
Dear members of APD,
I must congratulate the "APD NARA 2021" taking place online.
I would like to give an applause to the Chair and members of the JPDA for hosting the APD despite the difficult international circumstances caused by COVID-19. Congratulations once again for the 60th anniversary of the JPDA.
While successfully serving as the Chair of the KPDA, I had strong pride in conducting exchanges and activities with the APD. I am greatly honored and pleasured to receive this contribution award.
Let me close my message by expressing my expectations for a new design trend and paradigm for the era of digital culture, seeking convergence of diverse designs and online conferences from different countries participating in the APD.
I must congratulate the "APD NARA 2021" taking place online.
I would like to give an applause to the Chair and members of the JPDA for hosting the APD despite the difficult international circumstances caused by COVID-19. Congratulations once again for the 60th anniversary of the JPDA.
While successfully serving as the Chair of the KPDA, I had strong pride in conducting exchanges and activities with the APD. I am greatly honored and pleasured to receive this contribution award.
Let me close my message by expressing my expectations for a new design trend and paradigm for the era of digital culture, seeking convergence of diverse designs and online conferences from different countries participating in the APD.
Shanghai Packaging Technology Association

Mr. Zhao Zuoliang
赵佐良 先生
Well-known Chinese Designer
Senior Consultant of the Design Committee of SPTA (Shanghai Packaging Technology Association)
Member of Shanghai Artists Association
Special Government Allowances of the State Council of China
Senior Consultant of the Design Committee of SPTA (Shanghai Packaging Technology Association)
Member of Shanghai Artists Association
Special Government Allowances of the State Council of China
Born in Shanghai in March 1944, Mr. Zhao Zuoliang graduated from Shanghai Light Industry School majoring in modeling and art design. Served as Secretary General of the Design Committee of SPTA (Shanghai Packaging Technology Association). He has been in the design industry for more than 60 years and is expert in product packaging design, brand identity design and graphic design. His representative works include the spearmint toothpaste, “Phoenix”pearl series of skin care products, the Shanghai wine of “Shikumen”and other famous Chinese brands. For many years, Mr. Zhao Zuoliang has actively participated in various activities to promote the exchange between packaging design industries in Asia. Representing the Shanghai delegation, he shared keynote speeches separately on the 2nd and the 13th editions of APD in 1994 and in 2013.
Taiwan Package Design Association

Mr. Huang kuo Chou
黃國洲總監1967年出生於台北,從事包裝設計行業已有30餘年的經驗積累,現任楹峰視覺設計有限公司設計總監,並兼任中原大學助理教授。入行以來,黃國洲先生為促包裝設計行業發展,積極參與各個行業協會事宜,並在協會內長期擔任協會重要幹部職位: 2006年起至2012年持續擔任包裝設計協會副理事長一職,2013至2014年並當選台灣包裝設計協會理事長職位。多年來,他一直為促進亞洲包裝設計交流的活動盡己所能,通過參與各式國際性的包裝設計賽事及論壇活動交流經驗,並汲取行業新興發展趨勢貢獻所長,另外在教學的工作上更不遺餘力發掘與栽培年輕包裝設計人才,促進全亞洲包裝設計行業良性的發展。
Honorary Chairman of Taiwan Package Design Association;
CEO of Cross-Strait Culture and Creation Strategy Alliance(两岸文化创意策略联盟);
Adjunct Assistant Professor in Chung Yuan Christian University;
Design Director of Taiwan Yingfeng Visual Design Co., Ltd.
CEO of Cross-Strait Culture and Creation Strategy Alliance(两岸文化创意策略联盟);
Adjunct Assistant Professor in Chung Yuan Christian University;
Design Director of Taiwan Yingfeng Visual Design Co., Ltd.
Mr. Huang Guozhou was born in Taipei in 1967. He has engaged in the packaging design industry more than 30 years. Hitherto, He is also the design director of Yingfeng Visual Design Co., Ltd. and an assistant professor at Chung Yuan Christian University currently. Since joining the industry, Mr. Huang Guozhou has actively participated in various industry associations in order to promote the development of the packaging design industry, and has held important positions in the association for a long time: from 2006 to 2012, he continued to serve as the vice chairman of the packaging design association, during 2013 and 2014, he was elected as the chairman of the Taiwan Package Design Association. Over the years, he has been doing his best to promote the communication of packaging design in Asia, swapping experience by participating in various international packaging design competitions and forums, and contributing himself to the emerging trends of the industry. In addition, respecting the teaching work, He spares no effort to explore and cultivate young packaging design talents, and to promote the prosperous development of packaging design industry in Asia.