APD アワード開催
Art Work
Household commodities, Varieties, Medicines
Pure copper grater
Application company: Regan group(Design Force・Bond Creative・Regan)TAKAKI MORIhttps://regan.jp/en
JPDA / JP-1137
Client: Ooya-Seisakusho
Concept: Credit Titles:
CD:Ashida Design AD:Design Froce D:Bond Creative
CD:Ashida Design AD:Design Froce D:Bond Creative
This is a pure copper grater handed down from previous generations over 300 years, handmade bespoke one by one by skilled craftsmen, with attention to every detail. To express our utmost respect to the artisanship imbued, the package is decorated with the corporate mark as well as a key visual representing 300 grater teeth lining up.